



The aims of Developmental Biology: To study how multicellular organisms develop from a single cell -the fertilized egg, or zygote to an adult body and how zygotes are produced by an adult body.

Developmental Biology, 12th edition Michael J.F. Barresi, Scott F. Gilbert (Developmental Biology etc.) (Z-Library).pdf

Principles of Development.pdf

《组织学与胚胎学》人卫第9版教材--高清彩色 (2).pdf


<aside> 🍇 外胚层形成表皮和神经组织,内胚层形成肠腔上皮和消化腺上皮,中胚层形成骨骼、肌肉、血液、淋巴和其他结缔组织 - “内消呼肝胰,外表感神经” 其他都是由中胚层发育而来的。

The Atlas of Mouse Development,小鼠发育图谱 (tsinghua.edu.cn)


<aside> ⛈️ Study Resource

胚胎学 Basement [李磊]

医学发育与衰老 [曲静, 张维绮]

Gastrulation: From Embryonic Pattern to Form

Gradients and Tissue Patterning

<aside> ⛈️ Embryology 胚胎学 (unsw.edu.au)

1- reproductive system : fertilization

2- fertilization, cleavage, blastulation

3- gastrulation

4- ectoderm

5- mesoderm

6- endoderm

7- development of the placenta

8- neurulation, vesiculation, neural crest cell migration

9- development of skeletal system

10- Development of the Heart .pdf

11- Development & Embryology of the GI Tract_ Part 1.pdf

111 - Development & Embryology of the GI Tract~ Part 2.pdf

12 - Development of the Respiratory System.pdf

13 - Development of the Urinary System.pdf

14 - Development of Reproductive System.pdf

15 - Development of Fetal Circulation.pdf

16 - Development of Vascular System.pdf

17 - Development of Pharyngeal Apparatus.pdf

[283 - Immunology Physiology] Immune System_ Overview.pdf](https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/62aa6ebf-ced2-409c-b4e3-d8d8c61ad09f/283_-_Immunology_Physiology_Immune_System__Overview.pdf)


A roadmap for the Human Developmental Cell Atlas




The single-cell transcriptional landscape of mammalian organogenesis

Mice develop quickly, with just 21 days between fertilization and birth. The implantation of the blastocyst on embryonic day (E) 4.0 is followed by gastrulation and the formation of germ layers on E6.5–E7.5. At the early-somite stages, the embryo transits from gastrulation to early organogenesis, forming the neural plate and heart tube (E8.0–E8.5). In the ensuing days (E9.5–E13.5), the embryo expands from hundreds-of-thousands to over ten million cells, and concurrently develops nearly all major organ systems. Unsurprisingly, these four days have been intensively studied. Indeed, most genes that underlie major developmental defects can be studied in this window.

